Mobilize your microsystems for successful strategy implementation

We help organizations develop the ability to adapt and mobilize for change.

We use our research-based framework, Collective Intelligence, to work with organizations in two layers for maximum impact:

  1. The machine layer, which includes structures and processes to make the organization adaptable to new implementations.
  2. The human layer, which includes individuals and groups expected to collaborate and perform at a high level in new ways.

This Strategy realization insight explains how to mobilize layer 2 to achieve your strategy by leveraging Collective Intelligence.

To reap the effects of your strategy implementation you need to understand how the organization really works

To understand today’s organizations, we can’t just look at charts and processes. Self-steering and fluid groups are becoming more important to increase adaptability and implement changes. Work is often done in microsystems, i.e., smaller cross departmental groups and can be formal teams or informal groups. Mobilizing these microsystems is key to achieving lasting change. Change Management should be connected to specific changes rather than done independently. Microsystems often perform poorly, especially during change. However, we can quickly improve them by working with Collective Intelligence. To reach your organization’s full potential, you need to analyze formal and informal microsystems and mobilize them. Below are four steps to get started.

#1 Prioritize microsystems and make a heat map that is renewed continuously – DARE:

  • Deciding: Which microsystems are we dependent on for relevant decisions connected to the change?
  • Advising: Which microsystems are we dependent on for relevant advice?
  • Receiving: Which microsystems need to be able to receive our results?
  • Executing: Which microsystems need to do the work and behave differently to achieve desired results?

#2 Analyze Collective Intelligence in the prioritized microsystems – four abilities are assessed:

  • Representation ability: The microsystem’s ability to create a common understanding of the shared task, the strategy, and how work is coordinated
  • Reflection ability: The microsystem’s ability to reflect and learn from realized results and collaboration in order to improve future performance
  • Integration ability: The microsystem’s ability to act as a cohesive team and pay attention to each other and the shared task
  • Relation ability: The microsystem’s ability to create a positive and safe climate where the individuals trust each others’ knowledge and intentions

#3 Plan and carry out training:

Replace traditional leadership development and team building by designing and implementing an agenda-driven, tailored training program for the microsystems that have the greatest development potential. The training of Collective Intelligence takes place integrated with the daily work and processes. This, more expedient, way of developing organizations is something Influence has been doing for a long time. In parallel, we have developed these unique capabilities together with multiple clients in the public sector.

#4 Follow up and embed:

Systematically develop microsystems in your processes and structures, governance, HR, project management, etc. Since Stratecution is a continuous movement, the development of microsystems needs to be institutionalized and a recurring item on the management’s agenda.

"Are you thinking about how the Stratecution approach can help you realize your strategy?"